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In what relation the “Apology” of Plato stands to the real defense of Socrates, there are no means of determining. It certainly agrees in tone and character with the description of Xenophon, who says in the “Memorabilia” that Socrates might have been acquitted “if in any moderate degree he would have conciliated the favor of the diecasts;” and who informs us in another passage, on the testimony of Hermogenes, the friend of Socrates, that he had no wish to live; and that the divine sign refused to allow him to prepare a defense, and also that Socrates himself declared this to be unnecessary, on the ground that all his life long he had been preparing against that hour.The second accusation he meets by interrogating Meletus, who is present and can be interrogated. “If he is the corrupter, who is the improver of the citizens?”It has been remarked that the prophecy of a new generation of teachers who would rebuke and exhort the Athenian people in harsher and more violent terms was, as far as we know, never fulfilled.Introducing eReader; the best free eBook Reader classy ebooks.Do you usually read books on your Android device? Do you need a great eBook reader app that can replace your old PDF reader and give you some new stunning features while reading your favorite eBook? Then you will have to download eReader on your Android device because this app is just made for you.eReader classy ebooks is a new free app that can be with you anytime and anywhere because it works like an offline eBook and you can still enjoy reading your favorite eBooks even if you don’t have a 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi internet connection. eReader will give you a unique experience because it contains a very wide selection of amazing features that you will love. And the best thing is that our Full eBook app is free and you can enjoy reading any eBook you want without paying any subscription fees or monthly fees.eReader classy ebook has a great white and black background to let you read books in day or night as much as you want without hurting your eyes and it will also let you edit the text size and choose any font you feel comfortable with. Not only that! Our app contains a very powerful PDF reader that will let you continue reading your PDF eBooks with all the stunning features that we have inside! eReader classy ebooks is a great eBook reader because it contains a great feature to interdict anyone from distracting you while reading an eBook and will also let you save any content or chapter you want as you can have an easy access to it later.What are you waiting for? Download eReader and enjoy the best eBook Reader app ever!Read eBook with our eReader book app.